No systemd discussion?

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Mon Aug 11 18:52:14 UTC 2014

On 2014-08-11 2:36 PM, Peter wrote:
> So systemd is causing a lot of grief and panic among seasoned users of
> slackware bare metal init systems, and system V init users. And there is no
> discussion on this on tolug? Okay, I tossed the hot potato into the ring.
> Feelings about systemd and the required adaptation (and, no doubt, teething
> troubles)? I am an older guy who cut his Linux teeth in ~1995 with Slackware
> installed from many floppies and later cds, so I know where I am standing.
> Was it worth the extra trouble to make a daemon do what scripts did fine for
> 40 years?

Scripts aren't portable compared to a distribution agnostic tool like
systemd. You don't have different places to go looking for rc*
directories and files. You don't have to deal with those rc files'
strange distribution specific sed and awk invocations.

Moreover, it allows for dependency based service start up within a
cgroup control system - when something crashes you can handle it more
easily than with detached zombie pid files and the like of normal
fork/double-forked processes.

I'm using it and quite like it. My $0.02.

Cheers, Jamon
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