Interested in ereaders

Molly Tournquist mollytournquist-ifvz4xmYPRU at
Wed Sep 18 22:30:43 UTC 2013

I'm curious about the prospect of open platform ereaders. I've heard of one running nethack, but that was a kindle and the standard here seems to be kobo, and that was when the kindle had a crude keyboard; it's possible to hook up the nook to a keyboard, and the kindle to a rasperry pi.

There are color e-ink screens being experimented with, and non illuminated LCD screens, but they don't appear practical enough to extend usability significantly.

There have been a few unlit ereaders that also play audio, but rockbox development progresses awfully gradually, and there are only unstable ports for two microtablet type devices. And it tends to spread opportunistically due to similar and know internals, which would seem thoroughly unlikely for ereaders, wouldn't it?

Sorry if this is unwelcome here, but any linux integration issues or any local sources for separate e-ink screens would be great to hear about of course.
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