Article: Why Mobile Web Apps are Slow
D. Hugh Redelmeier
hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Tue Jul 16 03:37:08 UTC 2013
| From: Scott Sullivan <scott-lxSQFCZeNF4 at>
| It came to me from an ARM mailing list because mobile is largely ARM(*) based.
| The article covers a fair bit of ground
I don't program on mobile platforms, or in Java, but I've programmed
on generations of machines, ones with varying levels of resource
I think he's probably pretty accurate about right now. But a little
more nuanced position makes sense:
- resource constraints seem to always get slacker, except for periodic
dry spells. Of course the music has to stop some time.
- many wins have come to teams that design products that are not
reasonable today, but are reasonable next year, when they actually
- writing an app vs a web page has a lot of silly legal/economic
consequences: Apple lets you provide its users with a web site
without permission or a cut; not so with apps. That's probably
why they hated Flash.
It is astonishing to me that they will not accept an app that
provides a programming environment. And get away with that
restriction. Sure seems anti-competitive.
Javascript is the one that got away. Somehow they've even decided
to provide a performant implementation.
- writing an app makes it hard to support multiple platforms. This
lock-in is anti-competitive (but can look as if it is a technical
requirement, so invites little scrutiny).
Most programs I write would not be different with a factor of two
change in speed or space. A factor of 5 gets noticeable.
But a language like Java is probably fine if a suitable resource
intensive kernel is moved to some other implementation. This kernel
is likely very small. I don't know if JNI makes this reasonable.
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