Gnome Goes JavaScript

Scott Elcomb psema4-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Feb 5 17:16:05 UTC 2013

Per Slashdot:

"Much to most programmers' shock and dismay Gnome has made JavaScript
its main language for apps. It will still support other languages and
it still supports C for libraries, but for apps it is JavaScript that
rules. JavaScript seems to be a good choice for Gnome 3, as the shell
UI is written in the language. It is also consistent with the use of
JavaScript in WinRT, Chrome Apps, and FirefoxOS apps, and generally
the rise of web apps. As you might expect, the initial reactions are
of horror at the idea that JavaScript has been selected rather than
the favorite language of the commenter. There is a great deal of
ignorance about (and prejudice against) JavaScript, which is often
regarded as an incomplete toy language rather than the elegant and
sparse language that it actually is."


I'd love to hear perspectives on this.  (I'm a little biased in that I
actually like JavaScript and think this is the right way to go. ;-)

  Scott Elcomb
  @psema4 on Twitter / / Github & more

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