Thinkpad T440s: do I want a m.2 msata ssd?
D. Hugh Redelmeier
hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Dec 2 22:58:17 UTC 2013
| From: Lennart Sorensen <lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at>
| > 2. The original 16G mSATA is used "for caching purposes only"
| > according to the tech specs. What exactly does this mean? Is this
| > something we can use under Linux? And is there any reason to believe
| > one would or would not be able to boot from one of these drives?
| That is just how Windows chooses to use it in the default setup.
I think that Intel has some trademarked "technology" to do this. I
assume that it is just a driver thing (for Windows).
16G is big enough for just the OS. Not a stupid setup.
But would not buy a 16G mSATA drive. The sweet spot (price/size)
shifts, but I think that 120G is a pretty good choice these days. Don't
get it from Lenovo -- try NCIX, Canada Computers, NewEgg, Memory Express,
etc. You may choose to wait for a sale.
Superstition: SSD fails more drastically than HDD. Even more
incentive to get your backup system right.
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