Hard drives...

Colin McGregor colin.mc151-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Tue Apr 30 17:55:10 UTC 2013

As noted, there is a new release of Debian GNU-Linux coming up this
weekend and with that in mind I bought myself a new 2TB hard drive (to
replace an almost full 1TB drive) and copied everything over (Knoppix
+ gparted + grub-install are your (sometimes painfully slow) friends).

I bought a 2TB Western Digital "Black" hard drive and a significant
reason for that choice was the 5 year warranty even though for less
money I could have bought a 3TB Seagate "Barracuda" drive with a 2
year warranty. Obviously, even with a 5 year warranty, the drive could
die tomorrow, but still... I am figuring that even with good back-ups
the time/pain to recover from a drive failure is worth FAR more than
the difference in drive costs.

So, I have to ask where is there a market for drives with such as the
Seagate "Barracuda"? Is it:

- Install in RAID 5 or RAID 10 arrays that are designed to deal with
the failure of a single drive in a way that is fairly painless?
- Install in a desktop office setting where all key data is stored on
a central server and in the event of a drive failure the desktop
machine gets re-imaged with the default corporate desktop?
- Local PC builders where they assume the buyers will not notice that
@#$% drives are being included in the package?

Or am I missing something else?

Colin McGregor
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