Free software and the Mac

Thomas Milne thomas.bruce.milne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Apr 23 23:36:56 UTC 2013

So I finally convinced my boss that our family needed a "family" computer
and that the best choice for a variety of reasons is a new iMac :-)

It is awesome. Besides being ten times faster than what I've been used to
it is so easy to use though some things take too many mouse clicks. I have
been using Linux for about ten years so there are some weird things to get
used to like installing apps and so on (no more package manager) but
overall it had been really nice.

I was happy to see a lot of free software is available for Mac same as on
Linux, especially Transmission and Gimp. I saw that there are even package
managers for Mac to install these apps, namely Fink and MacPorts.

Anyone have any experience with these on Mountain Lion? I am still so new
with the Mac I suppose I have a greater fear of making a mess of it.

Any free software tips or tricks for Mac appreciated :-)
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