Microsoft files EU Android complaint

Scott Sullivan scott-lxSQFCZeNF4 at
Wed Apr 10 15:17:58 UTC 2013

On 04/10/2013 10:40 AM, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:24:12AM -0400, Michael Hill wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Lennart Sorensen
>> <lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at> wrote:
>>> Sure, but they are totally honest about being unfriendly.
>> Apple and Microsoft aren't evil because they're honest about being
>> evil? That sounds like the same planet where we should just be happy
>> about Bell and Rogers controlling everything.
> Sure they are evil, but they are honest about it.  Google is evil and
> dishonest in the case of Android which I consider worse.

So I feel this has devolved in to an argument of opinions on weather 
Microsoft's pot is calling the kettle black.

My view, and to the point.

Microsoft and Apple provide proprietary platforms. Google provides a 
proprietary platform (it's branded Apps) on top of an open source base 
(the Android Open Source Project). This is my view of it.

Yes, google is the greatest contributor to the ASOP and they choose to 
only release their changes once it ships (well within the license terms, 
but IANAL). People follow their development releases due to critical 
mass. People don't have to use Google's proprietary Apps.

As to what the OEMs to with bundling their own proprietary drivers, well 
that's within the scope of the laws. It doesn't meet our ideals, but 
again this is a hybrid model.

If you want to get them to change from being all proprietary you've got 
to win them over. This is a start, Rome not built in a day and all.

So, from a legal stand point does Microsoft's complain hold water? IANAL

We finally have middle ground and purchasing power to leverage and this 
as made some progress with our voices some leverage with the SoC 
companies and OEM. Nvidia just released more Tegra source code for their 

That said, their going to continue with what makes money until we make 
it effect their bottom line by taking our business elsewhere.

Some of you have made it clear your following that principle. What I'm 
not hearing is effective alternatives, or projects actually attacking 
the root issue from the SoC manufactures downward.

Well, except for Rhombus-Tech. It's just slow going.

There are at least two way to change a system.
Application of force (ie, revolution), or learn and practice the 
existing one enough in order to build a better alternative that takes 
you closer to your ideals.

Scott Sullivan

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