Activists creating decentralized mesh network that can't be blocked, filtered or silenced

Mel Wilson mwilson-4YeSL8/OYKRWk0Htik3J/w at
Fri Mar 2 20:48:35 UTC 2012

On 02/27/2012 12:25 PM, Mel Wilson wrote:
> I got interested in cantennas, is what this is all about.  Basically 
> take a used can of some suitable size, with one end cut off, put a 
> 1/4wave antenna 1/2wave from the closed end, and you beam your RF 
> signal directionally out the other end.  So you need to run cable from 
> the router to the 1/4wave antenna -- the stuff in the page you cited 
> seems just what I wanted.
> A purpose-built plastic cap to keep out weather would be the crowning 
> touch.  What I have found is that there are a bunch of standard can 
> sizes that all don't quite fit each other.  A juice can seems like it 
> would be better than mediocre at 2.4GHz. [ ... ]
A 350g can of Planter's Peanuts has a resealing plastic lid that fits a 
Rougemont apple juice can perfectly!

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