canadian vps hosting experiences

Mike Kallies mike.kallies-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Wed Jun 27 17:47:08 UTC 2012

On 12-06-27 10:35 AM, Ben Walton wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can anyone recommend a good Canadian VPS host?  The machines must be
> on Canadian soil.  Bad experiences are also welcomed so that I can
> avoid those companies.

I was recently researching this, - Seem pretty awesome, haven't tried them. Cheap for limited
single-core systems, expensive for moderately powerful systems.  no
ability to import/export VMs, require a ticket to do snapshots and other
advanced features.  They're very helpful when you use their chat. - Their contact page was down, so I didn't bother looking
further.  Still seems to be down (a week later), shame I can't contact
them to report it. - I used these guys for a small instance.  Quick and easy,
but memory limits are hard.  no virtual memory.  no hassle to shut down
your instance and leave.  I like them, but that memory thing limits
their usefulness. - Reputedly offer cheap slices on somewhat overtaxed servers.
Telus - didn't return my phonecalls.  They only seem equipped to deal
with medium business and up.
iWeb  - powerful systems for cheap, but their support is disappointing
to me...  I can't *not* recommend them, but I'm not thrilled with them.
 They're probably the cheapest option for a powerful VPS.

Any additional input on these would be *much* appreciated.


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