HDTV antenna recommendation?

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Sun Jun 24 15:07:03 UTC 2012

Anthony Verevkin wrote:
> One other thing. All these antennas are highly directional. So anyway you cannot point the same antenna from GTA to all - CN Tower, Buffalo, Barrie and Hamilton, you would need several antennas if you want to pick it all up. On the other hand from what I've heard, broadcasters have moved from VHF analog to UHF digital because they needed to do both analog and digital at the same time. But now that analog is dead they might consider switching their digital broadcasting back to the powerful VHF transmitters that they own. We'll see.

Antenna rotators have long been used to aim antennas in the appropriate 
direction.  Most of the digital transmitters are on UHF, but there are 
some on VHF high, as I mentioned.  VHF low does not work well with 
digital.  Since both CKVR (CTV Too) and CHCH are in significantly 
different directions from most of the other stations in this area, it's 
entirely possible to have separate antennas for them and then combine 
them with the UHF antenna.  Digital TV is much better than analog in 
this regard.  With analog, you had to be very careful to avoid ghosts.  
Digital, on the other hand, tends to ignore them.

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