Ubuntu first time

William Park opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at public.gmane.org
Mon Jan 9 21:17:59 UTC 2012

>If "so is Slack and Gentoo," then it's not nearly so clear what is a

>better choice.

I find that Slackware and CentOS (not Fedora) are the most well-behaved distros out there.  My horror stories of openSUSE, Fedora, Debian, Mint, and Ubuntu are endless.
    1. openSUSE which has the nasty habit of going around corrupting the boot sectors of other partitions.  Fedora only corrupts /dev/sda5.  Honestly, why does a distro care about what's in the other partitions?

    2. Slackware and CentOS are the only one which I can install the bootloader in MBR or in root partition, and I can convert CentOS's GRUB into LILO which I have to do if I want both in MBR.  This is one reason why I want the bootloader in its own partition, and MBR should only ask you which partition you want to boot.

    3. Over the weekend, I found that Ubuntu-11.10 can only be installed MBR and must be GRUB only.  I even can't convert it to LILO as I can with other distros.

These so-called "open source" distros are incorporating more and more "vendor-lockin" features.



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