POG local action.

Colin McGregor colin.mc151-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Fri Feb 24 03:36:58 UTC 2012

Some thoughts from from the last GTALug Political Outreach Group meeting.

All who attended the meeting agreed that Bill C-30 (which will change
what information ISPs have to collect and provide on government
request) has at least one provision that needs change and the bill
should be revised or gutted. We would love to see the GTALug
membership make their concern(s) regarding the bill known to their
Member of Parliament. Issues in the bill that are of possible concern
include :

- Requiring that the ISPs provide personal information without a warrant.
- Who pays the cost of the monitoring equipment the government
requires? The ISPs? Taxpayers?
- The monitoring equipment will be high value targets for fraudsters
(and breaching those monitors disastrous).
- How will higher Internet fees or taxes help small businesses?
- The information must be provided to whoever the government
designates (not necessarily just law enforcement).
- The law appears to violate section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Anyone wishing to read bill C-30 can see it here :


Some good comments regarding issues with the bill can be heard here :


Anyone wishing to find the name and office address of their MP can do
so at the following site:


The best way to complain is to send a short, polite paper letter
noting your concern(s) to your MP. Further, remember that when writing
your MP you do NOT have to pay postage.

An on-line petition against Bill C-30 can be seen here : http://stopspying.ca/

Also discussed was Bill C-11 (changes to the copyright act). Concerns
there include:

- Digital locks
- Interferes with provincial jurisdiction on property rights
- Limitations on fair dealing (equivalent to US fair use)

Anyone wishing to read bill C-11 can see it here :


Again, please do let your concerns be known to your MP.

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