Merry Christmas from Russia

Zbigniew Koziol softquake-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Dec 25 12:53:15 UTC 2012

In Russia catholic tradition is not considered official. However, at the 
level of university lifestyle I am free to not go to work on "my" 
Christmas day.  Orthodox Christians celebrate 2 weeks later.

Yesterday, me an my (Russian) wife guested a young Russian couple with 
their 1-year daughter, on "our", catholic event. Even though Catholicism 
is not considered official in Russia, I feel here well.

Instead, from USA, I found this sort of "Christmas" wishes:

These are from the Polish Embassy in Warsaw.

What is that? What is the value of it?

Merry Christmas!

Zbigniew (a Polish, Canadian, from Russia)

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