The TTC bylaws regarding the use of transfers are Draconian, nonsensical and business unfriendly.

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Aug 9 21:22:58 UTC 2012

| From: charles chris <cccharlz-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at>

[I understand that the drivers have to enforce policy.  Arguing with them 
isn't likely to lead to a good outcome.  In fact, they are concerned about 
being assaulted by customers, something that apparently happens all too 
often, so it can lead to the police being called.]

| The rules stipulate that ... transfers must be used at transfer points.

On topic for TLUG:

To go to TLUG, I used to travel south on the Yonge line, get off at 
College (with my transfer) and walk towards the U of T.  If a street car 
came along, I'd board it.  Otherwise, I'd walk the whole way.  Each 
outcome happened perhaps 50% of the time.

After doing that for a few years, the streetcar drivers started to refuse 
me a ride.  Those are the rules.

Since then, the College streetcar has been useless to me since it is so 
random and infrequent.  More recently, I could go to a website to tell me 
when the next streetcar is coming, but I cannot consult it from the subway 
since there is no internet access there.  Perhaps I could try when the 
train is at Rosedale (some cell connectivity).

So: a bunch of interconnected annoyances.
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