The TTC bylaws regarding the use of transfers are Draconian, nonsensical and business unfriendly.

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Aug 9 20:13:48 UTC 2012

William Muriithi wrote:
> I sympathise with you but you are not comparing the two systems
> properly. TTC do not have a time constraint on how long you are on
> their system.

In Mississauga, the transfer is valid for 3 hours from when the bus 
started that run.  I live in Mississauga, on a run that starts in 
Brampton, so a significant amount of that 3 hours has already 
disappeared before I even get that transfer in my hands.  Also, I recall 
the days of paying a 2nd fare when transferring between bus & subway at 
Warden.  Back then the subway was in the Toronto zone and all the buses 
were for Scarborough, which was a different zone.

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