at and cron annoyingly different

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Nov 17 03:05:08 UTC 2011

I want to run a cron job in a particular directory.  Running the
crontab(1) command from that directory isn't enough: the script will
run with ~ as the current working directory.

So I wrote the script file for cron in the directory of interest and
told cron to run it.  In that script, I used
	cd `dirname "$0"
So the script would change the directory to the one containing the
script.  That worked well.

For unrelated reasons, the script didn't work, so I fixed it up and
tried to run it using at(1).

- at(1) does remember the working directory in which it was run and it
  runs the script file with that current working directory.  So my
  tricky cd command wasn't needed for at.

- at(1) runs the script with $0 set to /bin/bash so my cd is actually
  very wrong for at.  I don't want /bin as the working directory.

All this I figured out by debugging.  Since the runs were not frequent
(once a day) debugging was stretched out.

Surely these related commands could converge so that differences
between scripts could be minimized.
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