small linux based answering machine
Christopher Browne
cbbrowne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Nov 7 16:47:19 UTC 2011
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Syed Faisal Akber <faisal-nMFrlatgk0VeoWH0uzbU5w at> wrote:
> I've used vgetty in the past with a Hayes 56K Voice Modem and found it to be
> extremely unreliable. I would recommend something like an Asterisk based
> device with an FXS card. That would probably do much better than what you
> will experience with the vgetty based solutions.
And sadly, that sounds like that's not likely to result in something
that's fairly characterized as "small," notably in that it's not the
simplest thing in the world to configure.
I dropped "call answer" on my phone line in favor of a $15 answering
machine several years ago, and haven't been disappointed at having
been paid for it ~20x over in terms of savings. It ain't open source,
but I haven't found I cared :-).
FYI, here's another link to a possibility... It borrows drivers from
Asterisk, but eshews the framework in favor of a 173 line C program.
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