DNS weirdness

Tyler Aviss tjaviss-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Fri Feb 18 00:16:50 UTC 2011

I have a server setup like the following

DNS1 (resolves some local DNS addresses, forwards to DNS 2)
DNS2 (forward only to 2 other internal NS's I don't control, NS-1 & NS2)

dig or nslookup from DNS2 to NS1/NS2 is quick
dig from DNS1 to DNS2 for an external name tends to time out. Ditto
connections from server01-DNS1-DNS2

A tcpdump (in the slow case) while trying to resolve aol.ca shows seconds
between getting cname results, so that it (usually) times out before
resolving. No iptables rules on DNS2 blocking incoming udp either (and AFAIK
no other fw rules to affect this). The results do make it back, just seconds
too slow when the whole thing should be done in millisecs.

Any ideas?
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