Reliable HDD SATA Enclosures/Adapters

Mike Kallies mike.kallies-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Dec 29 20:14:37 UTC 2011

Hey everyone,

I know somebody will have a good opinion about this.  Does anyone have
any advice for *reliable* external drive enclosures, and where you might
get one in the Toronto area?  There are so many really bad ones out
there.  Some are fast at the beginning, but don't survive being on for
long periods of time.  Some are slow and unreliable, some break down on
long file transfers.

Price doesn't seem to indicate much either.  Order of importance is:

1. reliablity
2. performance
3. price

I'm looking at 2.5" and 3.5" enclosures or adapters.  I tried the usual
places online.  canadacomputers, tigerdirect, newegg, amazon, the
reviews are... misleading.

Thanks for any input.


(Bonus points for IEEE1394 + eSATA + USB3.0)
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