OCZ Revodrive (PCIe x4) vs. SATA3 SSD (6Gbps)?
Lennart Sorensen
lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at public.gmane.org
Fri Dec 23 15:40:48 UTC 2011
On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 04:46:25AM -0500, William Park wrote:
> My root filesystem can be trimmed down to 7GB. So, is there a way to
> create 16GB ramdisk and use that as root device? I mean, sort of
> ramdisk over a real disk, so that you can keep the data after reboot.
Linux's disk cache already covers an awful lot. And conviniently caches
the stuff you use, without wasting ram on the stuff you don't.
Loading that ramdisk each boot would slow your boot time a lot.
There is unionfs, but that basicly allows you to have a readonly
filesystem that all writes go to a different filesystem. That's not
helpful to do with a ramdisk, since then you loose all changes on reboot.
There does exist battery backed ram disks as far as I know, and those
would make some sense since they would survice reboots.
For example: http://techreport.com/articles.x/16255
Len Sorensen
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