Is KDE 4 Stable? (was Re:Linus on Gnome 3.2)

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sun Dec 4 22:03:41 UTC 2011

| From: CLIFFORD ILKAY <clifford_ilkay-biY6FKoJMRdBDgjK7y7TUQ at>

|  However, I, and many others, noticed that
| GTK applications would run intolerably slow with the version of KDE that
| shipped with Fedora 16 on the day that F16 went live. For instance, if I typed
| in Thunderbird or XChat, the characters would appear some seconds
| after-the-fact and mouse was very unresponsive, as if the machine had a high
| load average, which wasn't the case at all. If I typed in a KDE app, there was
| no problem. I thought it might have had something to do with the nouveau
| driver so I installed the proprietary binary driver but that made no
| difference.  The problem was resolved with updates to KDE, the kernel, and the
| nVidia driver. I don't know what specifically fixed the problem but GTK apps
| have been fine since then. It was a transient and unusual problem.

Pet peeve: distro releases seem to not be very good these days.  You
are better off installing a distro, say, a month after release, and
then applying all the updates.

That makes the release CDs only a starting place.  Even worse live CDs or 
USB sticks are doomed to be poor.

I wish more distros were released when they got to a stable point.

Alternatively, I wish more releases would let you download a .iso that
reflected the current state of updates.  Or some state that folks
discovered was a local optimum.
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