Language question -- file = variable ?
Bill Heagy
wheagy1-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Wed Aug 17 02:33:30 UTC 2011
William Park wrote:
> Well, not really weird. Just trying to recycle old solution. :-)
> Current hype about Facebook's Cassandra and Google's BigTable got me interested. They are just "sparse matrix", or "key-value" where "key" is multi-dimension. Familiar spreadsheet is a 2D version. I'm interested in how, in the past, data moved within a spreadsheet and between spreadsheets. Of course, you can enter "macro formula" into a cell. But, what if that formula is stored in a file, like a script? Taking one step more, what if all cells are broken into files? Then, you'd have something that's older than SQL. It's so old that it's new again...
> I have no idea how Facebook/Google implement theirs behind the scene. Probably, SQL database for indexing and transaction control, even though they say it's "NoSQL".
To get back to the original question, how about memory-mapped files - as
in "mmap (2)"?
Bill Heagy
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