Open Media?

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sun Nov 21 14:57:08 UTC 2010

D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> The cost of the last mile is not at all related to traffic.  So UBB
> should not apply.
That's why I said a connection cost plus data

> The backhaul costs (from last mile to third party ISP connection
> point) are pretty low.  So UBB should be really low.

It's cheap, but not free*.  It also affect how much data an ISP can 
provide to it's customers.  If an ISP finds capacity is not sufficient, 
then more hardware etc. has to be purchased, installed and maintained.  
It's in this area where UBB kicks in, rather than the "last mile".  For 
many years, business users paid more for a basic telephone line than 
residential users, on the understanding that they'd use the phone more. 
The actual installation of a phone and cable pairs etc. would be similar 
for business & residential users.

*In the case of wireless providers, there's also a limit on available 
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