draw a pretty timeline graphic w/ text?

Scott Allen mlxxxp-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Thu Nov 4 15:54:16 UTC 2010

Here's a quick and dirty example of creating a gif file of what you
want, with a bash script using ImageMagick. Of course you would want
to make a subroutine for the mogrify commands that accepted an X
coordinate offset and text as variables, then call it for each stage.
You probably would also want to add colours, specific fonts, etc.

Doing this with any other ImageMagick supported language would also be
quite easy.

#! /bin/bash
convert -size 500x75 -draw 'line 10,10 490,10' xc: timeline.gif

mogrify -draw 'circle 15,10 20,10' \
 -draw 'line 15,10 65,60' \
 -annotate 45x45+30+20 'Inception' \

mogrify -draw 'circle 55,10 60,10' \
 -draw 'line 55,10 105,60' \
 -annotate 45x45+70+20 'Research' \

mogrify -draw 'circle 255,10 260,10' \
 -draw 'line 255,10 315,70' \
 -annotate 45x45+270+20 'Presentation' \
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