[OT?] Android phones

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Mon Mar 29 14:52:35 UTC 2010

This complaint seems a like an excuse, not a reason.

It's not as if the Windows Mobile market hasn't fragmented and the
PalmOS market hasn't fragmented, both of which they support.  Both
have been replaced by successors and the original version is dying so
sales of the original version have a limited horizon.

It is true that Android is open to the customer, but that the customer
(perhaps non-intuitively) is the telecom company, not the end user.
That is something that I don't like about Android.  But the other
supported platforms are not even that open.

They don't even mention supporting the BlackBerry.  In terms of units
in the field, I think that the BlackBerry is ahead of the iPhone.  It
certainly beats the hell out of Android, Windows Mobile and PalmOS.
Perhaps they mention BlackBerry in some other message.
For a specialized product like this, market share may not be the best
measure of the potential market.
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