[OT?] Android phones

Herb Richter hgr-FjoMob2a1F7QT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Sat Mar 27 03:40:11 UTC 2010

I am considering buying a smart phone and have been trying to make sense 
of the offerings and their specs.

I do like the Nexus One, now that Google is shipping it into Canada 
(with some warrantee).

The new HTC EVO 4G <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTC_EVO> does have a 
feature I would like - the ability to act as a mobile hotspot (hosting 
up to 8 wi-fi devices) 

I wouldn't need to host 8 but I would want to tether(?) my netbook 
wirelessly (wi-fi not bluetooth).

My question is: 
Would wi-fi tethering/hosting be hardware dependent or might one be able 
to install suitable software to have the Nexus phone act as a 
gateway/router etc?

Herb Richter

BTW - is there a reason phone handsets with wi-fi never (it seems) have 
wireless-n (just b/g) ?
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