Fluendo Launches the Ultimate Media Center for Linux Operative Systems

Michael Lauzon mlauzon-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Tue Mar 16 05:38:34 UTC 2010

I think they meant "Operating" and not 'Operative':

"Barcelona, SPAIN – March 15, 2010- Fluendo S.A. is delighted to
announce release of the ultimate Media Center for Linux Operative

"Fluendo is an established leading provider of multimedia plug-ins for
the GNU/Linux Market, and has succeeded in offering legal end-to-end
solutions working with multiple formats and platforms.

"Fluendo has announced the release of its Media Center, a software
application developed by the Spanish company. Fluendo Media Center’s
versatility was evident from the off when it was used for reproducing
a whole manner of multimedia in a variety of devices using completely
different platforms. Whether on Windows, Linux or Open Solaris; on
netbooks, mobile internet devices (MIDs), notebooks or set-top boxes,
Fluendo Media Center demonstrated not only its outstanding
adaptability, but also its multiple features, attractive graphics and
user-friendly interface. This first release will only be operational
on Linux distributions but it is expected to get the application
running on Windows in the near future.

“The market was missing this legal solution based upon the GStreamer
framework. Fluendo Media Center provides end users with a smooth
playback and all correspondent licenses from patent holders. We have
worked hard to build a global solution that encompasses all of our
products as whole, and we have succeeded”, explained Pascal Pegaz
Paquet, Fluendo’s co-founder.

"Fluendo Media Center gathers all Fluendo’s expertise in software
development for Multimedia in one single application, since it comes
with all Fluendo’s software integrated and their respective patent
licenses. After obtaining outstanding results with the codecs and the
DVD Player, Fluendo decided to integrate all these solutions into one
single application that meets every conceivable expectation: it
reproduces DVDs regardless of the region and CSS encryptions, and
plays audio and video files of all major formats.

"We were delighted to see Fluendo bring the first genuine Dolby
certified DVD player to Linux earlier this year. For the first time
Linux users have the assurance of the quality of their DVD playback
experience through Dolby’s extensive testing and certification of this
product,” said Mary Anderson, Marketing Director, PC Segment, Dolby
Laboratories. (NYSE:DLB)

"Fluendo is developing state of the art solutions to playback videos
and music on different operative systems and devices. More news on the
availability of further versions of the Fluendo Media Center and other
Fluendo multimedia solutions will be featured on the website



Michael Lauzon
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