Utility for finding duplicate files?

Amanda Yilmaz ayilmaz-e+AXbWqSrlAAvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Sun Jun 20 23:33:28 UTC 2010

Walter Dnes wrote:
>   Is there a utility program already written that can generate a list of
> duplicate files?

I know of three (descriptions below from my machine's package manager):

  identifies duplicate files within given directories
  FDupes uses md5sums and then a byte by byte comparison to find
  duplicate files within a set of directories. It has several
  useful options including recursion.

  A utility to fix problems with filesystems' data, like
  duplicate files
  FSlint is a toolkit to clean filesystem lint. It includes a
  GTK+ GUI as well as a command line interface and can be used
  to reclaim disk space. It has an interface for uninstalling
  packages, and it can find things like:

   - Duplicate files
   - Problematic filenames
   - Temporary files
   - Bad symlinks
   - Empty directories
   - Nonstripped binaries

  File cleaner for KDE
  KleanSweep allows you to reclaim disk space by finding unneeded
  files. It can search for files basing on several criterias; you
  can seek for:
   - empty files
   - empty directories
   - backup files
   - broken symbolic links
   - broken executables (executables with missing libraries)
   - dead menu entries (.desktop files pointing to non-existing
   - duplicated files
   - orphaned files -- files not found in RPM (for rpm-based
     distros, e.g. Fedora Core, Suse) or DPKG (for dpkg based
     distros, e.g. Debian and Ubuntu) database
   - obsolete thumbnails (thumbnails conforming to freedesktop.org
     standard, pointing to non-existing images)

I've used FDupes before, and it worked well.

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