Local system builders? preferably North York or Thornhill

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Thu Jun 17 18:48:19 UTC 2010

| From: Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at public.gmane.org>

|   As I mentioned in another thread, I may be having hardware problems
| with a machine.  This could be my excuse to get a real 64-bit system.

It depends on what you enjoy and what's a chore.

Buying and installing a new drive is a lot easier than building a
whole system.  That would give you time to make a considered decision
on the replacement system.

Do you feel comfortable installing a new drive?  Does your old system
use PATA or SATA?  Investing in a PATA drive isn't quite as reasonable
as investing in SATA.

How obsolete is your old system and how does that matter to the tasks
you do on a computer?  You cannot care much about graphics performance
if you are content with Intel video controllers.

I run 64-bit almost exclusively.  But there really isn't that much of
a difference until you need lots of RAM (more than 2 or 3 gigs).  Even
then, the difference is measurable but not that perceptible.

As far as on-line stores, I quite like Bewawa for the things they sell
cheap: no delivery charge within GTA and if you order before 15:00,
they will deliver that evening.  Kind of the pizza delivery model.
I don't think that they build systems.
Cheap fix: 500G Seagate SATA 7200RPM: $40
Spacious fix: 2T Seagate Sata 7200: $125
(I'm not 100% happy with Seagate these days, but I cannot say that my
opinion is sufficiently justified.  My most recent failure was a WD

I also like Canada Computer.

My current desktop, and the one before, are HP, sold off cheap by
Staples.  They seem fine to me.  But you need to have an eagle eye to
find deals at Staples: most of the time they are not inexpensive.
This is not something that Lennart would recommend.
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