lion care

teddy mills teddy-5sHjOODPK7E at
Wed Feb 3 18:28:25 UTC 2010

LION batteries are like a relationship.
They require some care and attention otherwise they refuse to work

I have left LION batteries uncharged for long periods, and when I want 
to use them, the batteries do not charge. I understand there is a lower 
limit, and if the LION battery falls below that, the LION battery is 
essentially dead.

I find if I leave LION batteries alone fully charged, they dont seem to 
mind that.

I am getting the idea the LION batteries prefer to be in the 80/20 
range. Not less than 20% AND NOT MORE THAN 80%.

I guess my question is: If a LION battery is to be left unused for a few 
weeks or months, what should be done topreserve them?

Leave my MP3 devices in the freezer?

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