toy for Christmas: a hyper-cheap OpenVZ provider

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Tue Dec 21 05:40:57 UTC 2010

I've never had an off-site machine to administer.  Now I've got one for 
C$1.05 per month.  I thought I'd play and learn.

The machine is probably wildly over-subscribed, and it isn't generous, but 
it sure is cheap.  I have no requirements so it cannot fail to meet them :-)
They may have better options than the one I chose.

I learned of the deal here:
Originally from here:

I know so little that I don't even know if I should choose the free 
control pannel (<>) or not.  So I chose 
not.  I chose CentOS 5 as the OS (I already use it on a machine here).

I control a domain so it is easy to add a subdomain for this new host.  I 
guess there are other free services (dyndns?) that could provide folks 
hostnames without cost.

I've signed on (provisioning took about 24 hours, much longer than I 
expected).  I've done a "yum update" and built from SourceRPM my normal 
text editor (JOVE).  So it seems to work.
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