Lone Coder: VirtualBox on Vista with a Gentoo Guest

Ken Burtch ken-8VyUGRzHQ8IsA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Sat Oct 17 23:46:56 UTC 2009

My latest Lone Coder column, very long and technical:

"Regardless if you think Gentoo is genius or madness, a manual install
represents the ultimate challenge to boot Linux on VirtualBox.

This document assumes you have a basic understanding of setting up a
Linux computer, such as how to build a kernel and how to format a disk
partition. "Host" refers to the operating system running VirtualBox, in
this case, Windows Vista. "Guest" refers to the operating system running
within VirtualBox, in this case, Gentoo Linux. I use "gentoo #" as a
root Gentoo prompt but your actual prompt may be a different one...."


Ken O. Burtch                                    Phone/Fax: 905-562-0848
  "Linux Shell Scripting with Bash"              Email: ken-8VyUGRzHQ8IsA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
  "Perl Phrasebook"              Blog: http://www.pegasoft.ca/coder.html

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