C is fastest

Yanni Chiu yanni-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Thu Oct 15 06:02:04 UTC 2009

Christopher Browne wrote:
> You'll find a number of us that haven't "taken the OO kool-aid."

It's sad if your impression of OO is formulated from C++ and Java. OO 
was originally conceived of in Smalltalk, and in that environment, 
objects have a "liveness" characteristic that was a design goal. This is 
  missing in a dead code environment like C++ and Java, where the code 
is just text in a file. In Smalltalk, objects are all available to be 
poked and prodded via inspectors. Even the class object itself can be 
inspected, just like any other object you've created.

To pick up on an earlier critique of OO from someone else (namely that 
you have to create a class be able to start writing code), this idea has 
been explored in the Self language. In Self, there is no distinction 
between classes and non-classes. Everything is just a thing with slots 
to hold other things. What I've been told is that you start out creating 
new objects without thinking about classes as you develop your system, 
and by the time you've finished re-factoring and such, you end up with 
some objects that pretty much function like classes. These class-like 
objects end up holding the behaviour that's common for a group of 
objects. There can still be some objects that don't have an associated 
class-like object though.

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