OT: Microsoft's grinning robots or the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is worse?

George Nicol gnicol-PeCUgM4zDv73fQ9qLvQP4Q at public.gmane.org
Tue Oct 6 18:35:18 UTC 2009

Point taken, Evan.

 From the article: "I know other operating systems are available.
But *their advocates* seem even creepier, snootier, and more
insistent than Mac owners. The harder they try to convince me,
the more I'm repelled." (emphasis my own)

A very good illustration of why you promote the correct style of
Linux evangelism that you've always recommended on this listserv.
To some degree, railing against Microsoft is okay when preaching
to the choir at TLUG but always counterproductive when we take
the fight to them and attack them on a battlefield they hold.
The "ice house" incident comes to mind. I don't want to dredge
up old conflicts but I would like to ask DJP for the benefit of
his experienced opinion.

David, you've tried both extremes of evangelism: A 10 foot Tux
in their face, and the quiet availability of Linux and OSS in
your fine establishment. Which has gained the most converts?

So easy to bash MS, so hard to resist the temptation.

I'm just asking. Please, no flames folks. Thanks.

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