C++ IDE Recommendation

Marc Lanctot lanctot-yfeSBMgouQgsA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Mon Mar 16 15:35:56 UTC 2009

On 16/03/09 11:18 AM, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> gvim supports ctags which does the indexing.

I use the taglist plugin for vim -- is that the one you're referring to? 
It will list your functions and you can choose to jump to them.

It's nice, but I need something better than that. I need to, given a 
name in a source file (eg. a function call or class name), jump to that 
method or class's definition. Given a variable name, jump to its 
declaration. Given a class name jump to its definition.

Having this feature is really nice for productivity in large projects.. 
I got hooked when using Eclipse with Java projects.

If you find me a way to do this in vim I'll stick with it. But at the 
moment my code base is getting to be large and I'm spending a good deal 
of time opening files and finding the code associated with the functions.

> I suspect vim might even do the search and replace through multiple files,
> although I have never tried and usually use perl to do that.

Yeah that's no big deal but if the IDE can do it then great.

> Can't think of anything I would rather use for development than vim.

I'll try to be true to vim for as long as I can. :)


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