How about creating / developing FOSS? Re: what is the situation wrt. ideas created by employees while employed ? who owns them ?

Peter plpeter2006-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Jun 30 21:59:10 UTC 2009

ted leslie <tleslie at ...> writes:
> I think its infinitely complicated, especially since,
> a employer and even a knowledgeable lawyer can put in
> "employer owns all intellectual property created by employees at any time
during their period of
> employment" rule,
> but can it hold up in court? of course not, its too broad a statement and
can't be enforced in any way.

The reason I am asking all this is among others the fact that I *know* that
there are places where the shackle rule is enforced by default (in certain US
states, it is implied even if it is not mentioned on the contract), whereas
elsewhere (Europe), the employer NEVER EVER owns anything the employee makes
outside his work hours (as long as it is unrelated to the work he does), and any
such provision would be unenforceable and illegal. So I was trying to understand
where the 51st star [*] is standing on this ?


[*] evil pun on Canada by an European who is just visiting for now, but looking
hard at other options while he is at it - the reason for the pun is that CBC
seems to show more of Obama than of Harper somehow - maybe this is subjective, I
don't watch it that much ... anyways apologies for any possible insult, it was
not meant to be such. Of course the 51st is to mean in addition to the 50
already on the US flag, i.e. the star that decided to stay off the flag, yet
seems to belong there in many ways <duck & run away>

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