Adding a new drive
D. Hugh Redelmeier
hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Jun 15 06:23:44 UTC 2009
| From: Rajinder Yadav <devguy-DaQTI0RpDDMAvxtiuMwx3w at>
| I finally got around to setting up a dedicated CentOS server on my other
| PC. I added a new unformulated drive to the box, I am wondering how I
| can format and mount it? I believe it's on /dev/ I assume I just
| need to run fdisk and create a primary partition on it.
| I also have another drive it's has stuff on it, it's type NTFS, so how
| can I mount this drive on my system so I can view it's content?
I don't think CentOS has very good NTFS support. Probably due to
dodgy legality in the US. Red Hat is rather strict about that stuff.
Ubuntu has pretty good NTFS support, I think.
Since I don't use NTFS support much, and not recently, don't trust
what I just said.
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