xine sound crippled

Zbigniew Koziol softquake-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Sat Feb 21 05:32:46 UTC 2009

Some here are good in these multimedia things. I am not.

I like watching movies from Google Movies. I intercept them and save 
from web browser cache and then try to use xine to play.

Movies are displayed properly when viewed in web browser window (flash), 
with sound played properly also.

However, some movies, while video plays properly, have problem with 
sound, when I try to play later a copy from a stored file.

This is definitely a problem of xine and/or audio codecs.

Why I know this? Because I installed a newest version of xine  and after 
that  some movies  that played sound properly with older version had 
problem to play properly sound with newer version. While some movies 
that could not play the sound properly with older version, now do not 
play well with newer version.

The sound does exist but it is so crippled that it is very hard to 
understand it.

All this is very frustrating. How to approach the problem?


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