Deadline Nears to Speak Out on Net Neutrality

Colin McGregor colin.mc151-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Wed Feb 11 22:41:04 UTC 2009

On 2/11/09, William Muriithi <william.muriithi-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at> wrote:
> Joe,
> 2009/2/11 JoeHill <joehill-R6A+fiHC8nRWk0Htik3J/w at>
> Does  this still matter considering the USA government seem to be stuck
> against it? I think  Obama even railed against it in his  inauguration
> speech. This make very unlikely the US ISP are going to be going that way.
> And if that is the case,  can Canadian ISP do it alone?

ISPs will (like any business) follow what they see as their best
interests. If an ISP also has a cable or sat. TV arm, then they will
likely see the end of P2P file sharing (i.e.: an anti-net neutrality
stand) as a help to their TV delivery business. Likewise the
entertainment production firms would see the end of P2P as helping
their current business models. The above firms can/do hire lobbyists
to make sure law makers are very aware of their ... "concerns".
Regardless as to how things go in the US, some major Canadian ISPs /
entertainment firms will for the reasons noted above be pushing
against net neutrality.

Also, you assume the US Government is a monolith, it isn't. Various
factions have different goals. For example U.S. Senator Diane
Feinstein (from California) is against Net Neutrality, as the
following story notes:

Question is how much weight does the likes Ms. Feinstein and other
anti-net neutrality people in the US government carry? I hope not
enough to stop net neutrality, but...

> Regards,
> William
>> --
>> J

Colin McGregor
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