P1 128RAM

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Tue Aug 4 01:00:50 UTC 2009

| From: meng <meng-R6A+fiHC8nRWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org>

| Can't you get the RAM required?
| What kind of RAM is needed?

I don't actually remember.  72 PIN SIMMs.  Two slots.  Each occupied
by 16M sticks.  Limitations on memory upgrades are not well explained.
Sure, we know about speeds, but the number of refresh lines never
seem to be spelled out.

To be honest, these boxes are not actually worth any work to save.  I
just hate the waste.  But not enough to use one of these as my desktop
machine!  (I last used them as security gateways, but I've had newer
old machines performing the same function for years now.)

People are throwing out a lot more powerful machines.  New machines
cost a small fraction of what these cost when new.

BTW, I am hoarding even older machines, but ones that are more
interesting than PCs.  My two faourites: an Altair 8800A and a Nabu
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