MP3 player support

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Apr 30 05:17:31 UTC 2009

I'm trying to figure out Linux support for media players.
Unfortunately, I missed Colin's talk about media players at NewTLUG in

We want to organize a bunch of songs in MP3 form, with playlists.  The
best players that we have are MTP / PaysForSure: Sandisk Sansa E260
(with stock firmware) and Creative Zen V.

(We're hoping to use a player plus amplified speakers as a replacement for
a stationary stereo system.  So physical size doesn't matter.  A nice
interface and display would be valued.  We'd prefer to use one of the
two players we already have so that we can learn how actual use works
out.  We do think that playlists will be important.)

Here's what I think I know.  It seemed hard to discover.

Amarok does not support playlists on MTP players.  They expect this to
be remedied by a Google Summer of Code project.

Rhythmbox 2.x does not support playlists on MTP players.  Rhythmbox
1.4 did, but that isn't the version that current Fedora or Ubuntu

Gnomad2 does support the Zen V's playlists.  It's a bit crude and not
being actively developed (as far as I know).

We could use a Nokia 770 for this task but haven't thought that

I'm not sure, but I think that the iPod support might be better than
the MTP players, even though the iPod is more proprietary.  We might
break down and buy an iPod.  I don't actually know what iPod makes
sense to buy.  Here are some hints but I don't know how to map these
into iPods actually for sale:

Do you use an mp3 player and manipulate playlists with Linux software?
What player?  What software?  How has your experience been?
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