Who killed KDE?

Mel Wilson mwilson-4YeSL8/OYKRWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org
Fri Apr 24 14:38:19 UTC 2009

I have a laptop that's been running kubuntu since 7.04.  After an 
upgrade to 8, and KDE 4 it got very disappointing.

The new file manager truncates long filenames.  This means all the 
files in a new ARM7 development toolkit look exactly alike.  Mouseover 
used to show a sort of properties popup (which could include the full 
name).  Now mouseover just puts a bright '+' sign on the file icon, to 
no apparent purpose.

The adept package manager used to be apt to falling over and dying.  I 
took to using apt-get.  Trying adept in kubuntu 8.10, it's hard to 
even see a list of packages.

This post is a bit of a cheat.  I was going to ask for advice, but I 
have the time to spare today, so I'm installing regular ubuntu 8.10, 
like on my desktop.  Though there'll be a reprieve of an hour or so 
while I review my partition tables.

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