Pho Patron

Marc Lanctot lanctot-yfeSBMgouQgsA/PxXw9srA at
Tue Apr 14 15:47:08 UTC 2009

On 14/04/09 11:13 AM, teddy mills wrote:
> Is there a TLUG/friend/relative/ connection to the Pho Hung restaurant?
> If so, then thats fine, but if not, can we try other dining places in
> Chinatown?

Someone mentioned something at the last meeting.. Drew (the meeting 
organizer) said it'd be an 'organizational nightmare' to "relocate". I 
could immediately relate to his claim because I've been in his seat 
before. These guys (Pho Hung) know that we show up once / month, they're 
good about accommodating us (this isn't easy with a group of 15-20 
downtown), and yes there is the familiarity of tradition and proximity 
to UofT mentioned and by others. It seems like a bit of work to 
"switch", and worse of all, if we do.. will we be treated as well? What 
happens if, after a few meetings, the other restaurants aren't as keen 
on having a large+loud group or what if they tell us the night we arrive 
that it's full and we have to go elsewhere. In cases like this, the 
people who were against the relocation in the first place blame the 
organizer for Fixing Somethin' That Ain't Broke. Eventually all hell 
breaks loose. So you see the slight chance that we get something that is 
a bit better than Pho Hung is probably not worth taking. :)


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