scary things at CRTC

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Wed Apr 8 22:27:12 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 03:01:45PM -0400, Scott Elcomb wrote:
> The premise.  A theory is valid until proven otherwise.  My
> interpretation is that this means the belief you have in any given
> (current) theory may be misplaced.  It may not in fact be valid.  Lots
> of religions state things that may not be valid.

No theories are not valid until proven otherwise.  Theories may be
commonly accepted as likely to match reality until proven otherwise.
And often some people don't accept them.  It has nothing to do with being
valid or not, just a case of being the best theory so far that matches all
the known facts so far.  If new facts don't fit the theory then a new one
is needed.  If new facts fit the theory, then the theory is doing well.

> I believe in the scientific method, but our theories are not complete.
>  Whether religion can further the knowledge that we believe we have,
> remains to be seen.

Well given religion doesn't work when the scientific method is applied,
then I think it is qutie clear that religion will be of no help at all.

Len Sorensen
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