ASUS Eee PC 1000H

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Sep 29 17:26:44 UTC 2008

| From: Madison Kelly <linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at>

| - Last, the screen's hight is still a little shy for some apps. This is an
| issue with the class of machine though, not the Eee itself.

The one exception that I know of is the HP Mini-Note (1280x768 8.9").
But it is expensive (but so is the EEE 1000) and it uses a Via CPU
which people say is too slow.

| - It can run warm, but not ridiculously so. yesterday I laid on the couch with
| my douvet over me and the Eee running on top of it, and it didn't complain.
| That's about the worse thing you can do, heat wise, so I was impressed.

Too many laptops have vents on the bottom.  I assume therefore that it isn't
safe to put them on soft surfaces (beds, laps, carpets, couches) or
non-flat surfaces (my messy desk).  My new thinkpad has no vents on
the bottom (yay!), does the EEE?  I think that most of the netbooks
have vents on the bottom.

I also hate noisy fans.

One great thing about the Dell netbook: no fan!

| - Battery life is decent, but not what is advertised. I suspect though this
| largely has to do with Linux not yet fully supporting the Atom CPU.

Battery life is a weak point in this class.  The Atom itself is fairly
good as far as power use.  Unfortunately, the support chips are power
hungry -- they were designed for earlier CPUs.  Intel is coming out
with a new chipset that is better matched to the Atom.

People look for models with 6-cell batteries (the default is 3-cell,
except for the Dell which has a 4-cell battery).  Machines with them
seem to be significantly more expensive (about $100).  They are surely
heavier and larger.  The rumour is that batteries are in short supply
world-wide.  The expected recession should fix that.

Thanks for you notes.  Very interesting and useful.  (I've been
reading but not trying these netbooks.)
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