How to make an app stay on top, and remove its menu bar
Walter Dnes
waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at
Mon Oct 20 00:16:45 UTC 2008
I don't know if this is a Blackbox question or an X resources
question. Please bear with me while I explain. I wanted a simple
program-launcher. gnome-panel wants to pull in 90% of GNOME, and its
KDE equivalant is just as bad. Other panel programs also seem to
require a ton of libraries. That is not the Blackbox way. I finally
settled on a really simple system. I named it ESPL (Extremely Simple
Program Launcher). It only requires me to install xmessage, and set up
2 text files. ~/bin/espl (be sure to chmod it executable) and ~/.esplrc
[d530][waltdnes][~] cat .esplrc
4NEC2X wine start c:/windows/profiles/waltdnes/Desktop/4nec2X.lnk
AbiWord /usr/bin/abiword
Firefox /usr/bin/firefox -width 950 -height 1100 -P default
Freecell /usr/games/bin/xfreecell
GIMP /usr/bin/gimp
GoogleSearch /usr/bin/firefox -P default
gnumeric /usr/bin/gnumeric
kill_mpg123 killall -9 mpg123
xterm /usr/bin/xterm -geometry 80x55 -bg black -fg cyan -fn -*-fixed-medium-*-*-*-*-200-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Wideopen_ffox /usr/bin/firefox -width 950 -height 1100 -P wideopen
[d530][waltdnes][~] cat bin/espl
commandline="xmessage -geometry 790x38+0-0 -buttons EXIT:1"
while read xlabel xcommand
buttonpointer=$(( ${buttonpointer} + 1 ))
done < ~/.esplrc
commandline="${commandline} -file /dev/null"
while [[ ${commandpointer} != 1 ]]
eval ${commandarray[${commandpointer}]} &
espl is launched by inserting the following line into .xinitrc
~/bin/espl &
So far, so good. I have a launch bar at the bottom left of the screen
that, with a click of a button, executes commands that I run often
enough to want available on a launch bar. xmessage is "an ordinary
application". I have 3 more wishes regarding it...
1) I want the xmessage launch bar to be "always on top". I can manually
do that from blackbox, but that's kludgy. I'd like it to be automatic.
2) In order to not take up unnecessary space, I want to remove the menu
bar from the xmessage window
3) On a slightly less important level, I'd like to have xmessage *NOT*
show up on the applications list that pops up when I hit {ALT-TAB}
I'm open to any combination of ~/.Xresources or other config files
and/or environmental variables.
Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at>
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