Debian Lenny and release dates

JoeHill joehill-R6A+fiHC8nRWk0Htik3J/w at
Wed Oct 15 06:20:23 UTC 2008

Saw this article just now:

Not really concerned that 'Debian is in trouble', but I am curious about how
the releases work.

If I am running Lenny, and want to maintain a system that always has relatively
up to date software (not necessarily bleeding edge), what is the process to
follow when Lenny finally is finally released? Is that a 'dist-upgrade', or is
that only for going, say, from Lenny to Sid?

Sorry if I sound thick, but I've been doing clean installs of Mandriva releases
every year or so for a long time, having trouble wrapping my head around this
new scheme.

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