ubuntu / I-INC

Mr Chris Aitken chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at public.gmane.org
Thu Nov 13 23:14:09 UTC 2008

I just bought an I-INC 28" LCD display. I have a KVM switch between an 
XP box and an Ubuntu 8.04. The XP box is running the display at 1600 X 
1200 at 32-bit. It looks great. My apps show as the size I had before 
but I can fit more of 'em on the screen - exactly what I want.

Linux, however, is only offering 800 X 600 and 640 X 480 at a pathetic 
60 or 56 Hz. How can I correct this? I respectfully ask please not to 
suggest a newer version installation of linux. I moved all most of my 
work (except I have XP to run recording software since alsa still can't 
fully "get" the E-MU 1212m pci card) precisely to get away from the 
re-boot/re-install mentality of Microsoft.


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