OT: Looking for PC133 RAM

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Wed May 28 20:19:05 UTC 2008

| From: Lennart Sorensen <lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at public.gmane.org>
| Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 12:14:03 -0400

Reviving an old thread.

| On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 09:02:47AM -0400, Meng Cheah wrote:
| > Dell Dimension L800CXE  :-) 
| Well according to Crucial the meory support is:
| Up to 2 x 256MB PC133 unbuffered non-ecc
| 256MB sticks MUST be "double sided" which means they use two chip select
| lines per module.  This normally means the module has 16 chips on it.
| If it has only 8 chips, it will almost certainly not work.
| 128MB modules can have just 8 chips and be fine.
| That is the limitation of the intel 810 chipset.
| My Athlon 700 (Via KT133 chipset) has a similar limit, except it can use
| single sided 256MB sticks, but must have double sided 512MB sticks and
| maxes out at 3 x 512MB ram.

I wish Crucial was that informative about the computer I'm trying to

I find it annoying that it is rarely made clear what is required for
PC100 / PC133 compatibility.  I often heard "PC133 memory won't work
as a substitute for PC100" -- the answer is more complicated.  Speed
should not be an issue but memory configuration can be.

The computer I'm playing with is a Dell Dimension XPS T450.  It has a
BX chipset (old, for sure).

It came with a PC100 128M memory module.

It would not work with a PC133 256M module.  It did not even recognize
the module (some systems recognize half of a module, but not this
time).  That same module does work in a Dell Optiplex GX115 (i815

Both modules have 8 RAM chips; both kinds of chips are 8 bits wide.
Thus each chip is active in each (64-bit) memory cycle; I think that
means that the modules are termed "single sided".

Chips on working module: Toshiba TC 59SM708FT-80
	4M words x 8 bits x 4 banks

Chips on failing module: Micron Technology MT48LC32M8A2-75
	8M words x 8 bits x 4 banks

One possibly relevant difference: the working chips 4k rows to be
refreshed every 64ms whereas the non-working ones have 8k rows to be
refreshed in the same period.  On the other hand, if I read it
correctly, the BX chipset can refresh as many as 8k rows (assuming the
BIOS sets it up right).

Can anyone explain what actually are the parameters that matter in
PC100 and PC133 memory systems?
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